Saturday, November 28, 2009

c box

heheheh baru nak try tp disabled lak.... so diharap incik tataopape leh tulun aku

arefiq tulun aku!!!!!!

sekian sesama

4 0 kwn saya yg poyo tapi baik:

inciktaktaopape said...[Reply to comment]

ape yg xlehnye..???
tok cbox tuh..
ko kene register dlm website dia..
then ko customize cbox tuh...
pastu dptkan html code dia..
then tepek kat blog ko k...
sng jer...

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

dah ar...aku dah bt dah gtu.then try nak test2 tapi dier kate comment disabled...
amacam tu

inciktaktaopape said...[Reply to comment]

asal locked ha..??
ko da login gune id ko x..??
da register id ko...??

Unknown said...[Reply to comment]

aku cam ase dah...
dah register seme uhhuhuhu ape lah nasib..tulun weh

kawan tak Poyo

seme ni hakmilik munmun dan milo ais nyer